It’s a New Year! (Once again!)

January 3, 2024

So here we are,..... January of a brand new year!  Back again after 365 days of doing what we do - being busy, being up, being down, doing our best, trying to please, trying to learn and grow.  And not always feeling great about it all.  

How about starting the year with one simple thing - an attitude of gratitude.  For everything that has gone well.  Everything - anything! - we did right.  Gratitude for the small, the medium and the large things that happened, that we did, said, achieved, experienced.  Gratitude for something about who we ARE.  Anything!  

Us humans have something that is called a 'negativity bias.'  It's unfortunate, but true, and is likely connected to our programmed need to survive (and therefore maybe not so 'unfortunate').  All this means is that, while we're busy surviving and subconsciously scanning the environment for real or possible risks and dangers, it would probably also be beneficial to remind ourselves that we ARE alive!  That we HAVE survived and even had moments where we thrived!

When I take a moment to pause and identify something I'm grateful for, a small shift happens inside me.  My energy brightens just a tad.  We all know what a vicious cycle or spiral is - it's that gripping feeling of turning 'round and 'round, and even sinking deeper in some kind of difficult energy or emotion.  Well guess what?  The opposite experience is possible?  When we shift into a lighter, brighter space, our mental filters shift along with us.  The lens through which we experience things is ever-so-much brighter.  And this, my friends, can put us on something called a ``virtuous cycle`` .  No, it's not magic, but it's a much more pleasant space to reside in and can carry us through the day feeling less chained to thoughts about what we don't have, haven't achieved, etc.  Those things are no less true.  But we each have choices about the importance we give to everything in our lives.  It all begins with commiting to being more aware of what is occupying our headspace.  And exercising our power to choose.

So why not remind ourselves as the New Year begins that behind clouds is clear sky; after the rain, there is sun; the dark always gives way to light; and that alongside all that is difficult, there is always something to be grateful for.  May this year be FULL of all the things that truly matter!  And may we choose to notice them more mindfully and thankfully.  Thanks for reading!

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