
A little background about who I am

Thank you for visiting this site!  I am happy to 'see' you here!

While undertaking therapy is all about YOU - what you need and what you are looking for to help you find more peace in your life -  let me take a moment to tell you a bit about who I am.

I was born in London, Ontario and attended Western University (first in music, then in psychology).  After studies at UWO I attended the University of Toronto and completed an M.A. in Criminology. (I studied our attempts to predict dangerousness in the criminal population).  ​

I moved from London to Quebec City in 1988, spent a number of years at home looking after my children, then began teaching psychology at the English CÉGEP (pre-university college).  I continue to teach at the college and at Laval University, but am also a clinical psychologist registered with the Québec Ordre des Psychologues. I have been practicing in the Quebec City area since obtention of my PhD from Laval University in 2007.  I recently obtained certification with the College of Psychologists of Ontario in order to be able to work with patients from my home province.  I am pleased to offer services in both English and French!

​In the last 15 years I have also become interested in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and have received extensive training from the University of Massachusetts Medical School Program (founded by Jon Kabat-Zinn) that prepares teachers and clinicians to accompany individuals in their quest to reduce and better manage things that interfere with living peacefully within themselves and with others.

My areas of clinical specialty include treatment of sleep disorders (predominantly insomnia), anxiety disorders, mood disorders (ex., depression), stress and burnout, and couples difficulties.

​My treatment approach is predominantly cognitive-behavioural, but I integrate aspects of humanism and mindfulness (more particularly, from the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy approach), all of which makes me what is known as "eclectic."  More information about these approaches can be found in the 'About' section.

​Undertaking therapy takes time, energy and courage.  The fact that you have landed on this sight suggests already that you are searching for some solutions or tools to a problem that has recently arisen or to one that has perhaps been nagging at you and causing some suffering for some time now.  I regularly say to my clients that consulting a psychologist can end up being one of the best gifts we can give ourselves.  Feeling accompanied, understood and listened to by someone from outside your usual circle who can bring an objective, non-judgmental perspective and offer tools and ideas for solutions to help you beyond your current suffering are some of the important things a solid therapeutic process and relationship can offer.

​It is not always easy to reach out, to ask for help, but it usually brings a feeling of relief and a sense of being proactive about our own lives.  We are not islands unto ourselves, and no one person has all the solutions or is always strong. Asking for help is actually a sign of strength, rather than weakness, and opens doors to finding personal well-being and balance that can enrich the rest of our lives.

​Please feel free to call the clinic if you need further information about my approach or experience.  I would be more than happy to help you in your quest to feel better.

Dr. Meagan Daley, Ph.D.

Dr. Meagan Daley, PhD
College of Psychologists of Ontario
Québec Ordre des Psychologues
Masters – University of Toronto
PhD – Laval University
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